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发布时间:2016-10-31 来源:教育优选

The Group of Eight (Go8), which comprises Australia's leading research intensive universities, is to assist its Chinese graduates who return home.

The graduates will be helped to start their careers by using a Go8 sponsored portal to connect with major employers operating in China.  In partnership with the China-Australia Chamber of Commerce (Austcham) the "Graduate Connect Platform" is being launched in Beijing today.

"The Go8 welcomes quality students and delivers quality graduates," says Vicki Thomson Go8 Chief Executive. "We educate 48% of China's on-shore university students, and 52% of Go8 International students are from China," she said. "They are excellent students and we want to ensure we continue to play a role in their lives."

"As a group, the Go8 has always had a strong connection with its alumni, wherever their careers may take them, so us moving to further assist those who return to China to work, is our next step in graduate support, and it is a template we are keen to replicate in other countries.

"In China we know Go8 graduates are warmly welcomed home given the valuable contribution their university education enables them to make to the economy. "

Ms Thomson said that the "Graduate Connect Platform" enabled Chinese Go8 graduates to upload their cv and additional data with major employers operating in China such as Commonwealth Bank, Telstra, Colliers International, Swisse, KPMG Global and Macquarie Bank.  "We are very pleased at the strong interest Austcham reports from the business sector, and we look forward to many successful career starts for our Chinese alumni as a result."


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